Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Day 44

*click on picture for better quality*

I just thought this was too cute when I saw it.....so I had to play and post it here. It can be counted as my picture of the day, right?? I'm not feeling well today. I think it's allergies but whatever it is, it has me completely drained. I hate feeling so tired all the time. This is the kids last week of school and I can't wait until I can sleep in a little and have a more relaxed schedule. Although I do have alot planned this summer so maybe it won't be as relaxed as I want it to be. Either way, I am still tired so i'm heading to bed early.

As a side note for Lamont...I'm so sorry I missed you online earlier. I hope we get to talk tomorrow and I hope you know how much I truly love you...

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