Monday, July 07, 2008

Day 71

Today started off scary. I was watching The View and when it ended the news at noon came on and the first story was a bombing in Kabul, and my heart just sank. I allowed myself to think of something I hadn't allowed myself to think since he's been gone. He is in a dangerous place. I knew in my heart that he was okay, but I still needed him to confirm that. As if he knew I would be worried I turned on my computer and there he was! Boy was that the best feeling in the world. I don't allow myself to harbor on the bad, just focus on our future. But there are times when the little seeds of doubt seep in and my heart freezes for a second. Then I know I have to allow my faith to steer me back to what I believe in. I know he's coming home to me, I know God has his angels surrounding him and I know he has alot of people praying for him. These are the things I do strongly believe in, I can't afford to allow myself to think differently.

I wanted to share some pictures of our good friends, The Javiers, visiting with us right before Lamont left. They wanted to come by and show their support and that alone meant the world to me. Thank you guys!

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