Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Day 128

Today is the day....woo hooo!! The kids are off at school and there is finally peace and quiet over the Littles household. I missed them as they were getting on the bus, but when i got home and realized that there is only 1 left and not 4, well then things got a little brighter...lol. I love my babies like no other, but we all need a break and mine has been a long time coming!!
The kids woke me up at 6:30 this morning all excited and I made them a big breakfast of cinnamon rolls, eggs and bacon. Then we got all their stuff together, dressed, hair done, teeth brushed and we were out the door! Aly and Mayson were so happy to ride the bus this morning, since they went all last year with me driving them and picking them up from school. I can't get over how big my daughter is getting. I mean I look at the picture of her and her brother who is only 4 years younger and she towers over him. Then there is that little figure she's getting...just makes you want to hide her in a closet somewhere!! Anthonne as usual was very adamant that I only take a few pictures, and of course even just taking a couple embarrased him to no end. But I told him daddy wanted to see this day and that was the only reason he agreed to it...lol. So here they are, packed and ready to start a new school year!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Awww They're all so grown up! And Aly... can I say WOW!! I would lock her in a closet!! LOL