Tuesday, March 06, 2007

YAY...it worked...now to catch up

Ok, so it's taken since December for me to be able to post pictures on my blog. And if you know me, you know i can't post a blog without pictures!! Okay so now to update. Alot has been going on since December, when I last posted. The biggest thing was that Lamont left for a 6 month deployment. Nothing tests your love and devotion for someone more then separation. He has been gone for 2 months now, and I miss him more and more everyday. I also love him more and more everyday. Since he's been gone the kids and I have had strep throat, stomach flu, we have moved to another home, had 2 birthday parties and our 12th wedding anniversary. So we've been really busy!! Here are a few pictures from Mayson's 5th birthday and Ysabella's 2nd. We had Mayson's party at a skating rink, and I was crazy enough to throw Bella's party here at home. It turned out great though. We missed daddy alot, but we had a good time and had great friends to celebrate it with!!

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