Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Jumping Monkey

We recently went to a birthday party at the Jumping Monkey here in Va. Beach...and the kids LOVED it! Especially the older 2. They are too old to be allowed to play in the regular area, but for birthday parties they allow it, so they were so happy. They got to run around for an hour and of course momma was there with her camera!! I will be having one of my kids parties here soon....

Thursday, March 22, 2007

This is what they are doing when i'm not looking!!!

Yes I was on the computer, turned around and they were...seeing who could build the highest tower with our canned goods!!! I laid on the floor and caught these of them...they got them pretty high...until they all came crashing down!!!

Our other little lady...

She is naughty, mischievous, and can destroy the entire house in minutes flat....but look at that face! Yea she has us completely wrapped around her little fingers...and she knows it!!! It's very difficult to be able to take her pictures lately...she sees me with the camera and she runs the other way. So bathtime seemed the best way to get any pictures of her....it worked! She at least looked at me once and smiled for me....and hey i couldn't have asked for anything more....

Friday, March 16, 2007

Our little girl, who's turning into a little lady

First off...sorry honey for not updating sooner. I've had these pics on my computer for over a week now but i've been trying to finish some clients pics and haven't had the time to post these, but I know you have been waiting...so here they are. Our little girl is getting so big...she's already to my shoulders!! By this summer I'm sure we will be sharing the same shoes...well just flats eventhough she would love to wear my heels!! This little girl has been my backbone, I know that we will be best friends when she is older. She has all the qualities I want in a friend. She's dependable, she's funny, she knows how to have a good time...and she is my daughter. I couldn't be more proud of her. While Lamont has been gone, she has been the one to step up and help me with her younger siblings. She'll cook dinner for me when I need it, she'll give her brother and sister a bath, she'll take care of me when i'm sick. Of course there are times when she acts like a typical 9 year old, but she is always there when I need her and I thank God for her. Yes I have gone on and on about my little girl, but I know she is growing up so fast and all I want to so is slow down time.... here is my beauty....

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

My boys...

Boys have a way to make their momma's melt. My boys are no exceptions. Looking into their big brown eyes makes me want them to stay little forever, but as I watch my oldest turn into a young man..with girlfriends (sigh) I realize that just isn't the case. So I try my hardest to capture them as much as I can. Looking at these pictures I see so much of Lamont in them. With Anthonne, he looks alot like Lamont did at that age, just with my family's features, and Mayson is all Lamont with his confidence and attitude. I hope daddy gets to see these and see how much his boys have grown.

For Daddy

This is for you baby. I can't tell you how much the kids and I miss you. You are in every thought we have, in everything we do...you are there with us. We had just come from church and got ready for bed and they wanted me to take this for you. This is your babies...in natural state...crazy hair, no shirts....just being them. I hope you know how much you are loved by all of us. For you daddy....

Playgroup at the Children's Museum

Our playgroup visited the Children's museum recently and that meant photo ops for me!! I even got to take a few of myself for my honey. I was totally digging the red doors in the bathroom....yea only a photographer would notice something like that...and then take pictures in it!!! Enjoy...

YAY...it worked...now to catch up

Ok, so it's taken since December for me to be able to post pictures on my blog. And if you know me, you know i can't post a blog without pictures!! Okay so now to update. Alot has been going on since December, when I last posted. The biggest thing was that Lamont left for a 6 month deployment. Nothing tests your love and devotion for someone more then separation. He has been gone for 2 months now, and I miss him more and more everyday. I also love him more and more everyday. Since he's been gone the kids and I have had strep throat, stomach flu, we have moved to another home, had 2 birthday parties and our 12th wedding anniversary. So we've been really busy!! Here are a few pictures from Mayson's 5th birthday and Ysabella's 2nd. We had Mayson's party at a skating rink, and I was crazy enough to throw Bella's party here at home. It turned out great though. We missed daddy alot, but we had a good time and had great friends to celebrate it with!!

Let's see if this works....

I've been trying to post pictures lately and for some reason it hasn't worked. So I'm testing it right now...let's see if it works. Here is one from my birthday party back in November....this is for you baby....